30 July 2009

Outdoor photo session

My wife and I went out to have a photo session. I was the shooter and she was directing me. But some shots I made in disobedience, like this. The best shot of all.

27 July 2009

On the road with an English and a Russian

Yesterday I took a ride with two film cameras. Two rellay ugly ones. The English is an Ensign Ful-Vue and the other a Smena 8M. However ugly they are they produce pictures like a bumble bee flies not knowing it can't. See for yourself below. Square pictures with the English. Rectangular with the Russian.

Nice boats

Light in the tunnel


Paradise ghetto

26 July 2009

Street photography

Yesterday I went downtown Stockholm to practise street photography. Armed with an Olympus 35 RD rangefinder and an exposure meter (that I rarely used). Only a couple of shots were made some time ago so I had almost a full roll to spend. So I shot a great deal of pictures and some of them I expected much of. At last at home I was eager to see the results and developed instantly. The first eight shots looked normal. The rest of the film was black! A quick check on the camera showed that the shutter had broken down after the eighth picture. It opened very slowly and didn't close until I cocked the shutter again. Well, I made some nice bookmarks of the ruined negatives.

Tense encounter. Chestshot while walking.

Community bicycles. Ooops, no people!

Motorbikes. Last picture.

24 July 2009

Going home on rail

All good things come to an end. All travels end up at home. I took a direct train from Åmål to Stockholm with a short intermission in Karlstad. Just had to get out of the train and take some pics. I usually travel 1st class because of comfort and tranquility.

The train is due

Karlstad Central station

Empty platform

Empty compartment

All pictures with Rolleiflex on Tri-X

22 July 2009


Last week I made a visit at my parents to check out the old folks and what is new in my hometown. Everything looks the same. The only visible changes were mom not wearing glasses anymore. She had a surgery recently for cataract and now she has a perfect vision. She's been using glasses all her life but now she just need them for the crosswords and sewing. Maybe I'll make it myself. I strongly dislike my glasses. They are in the way when I'm photographing.

Home backyard (with soft lens)

Natural beauty

Small loco

The 50s, new restaurant

Square market

Åmål, Sweden, July 2009
Rolleiflex Automat and Tri-X

11 July 2009


Today is the day of the 127 roll film. 12 july. A friend and I will be downtown shooting with our 127 roll film cameras. Street and straight photography. A compact digital will follow for documentation purposes. Film processing is not a s fast as the digital "processing". Here is my equipment for the day.

Contessa Nettel Piccolette (1919)
Loaded with Macocolor 200

Rolleiflex Baby (1958)
Loaded with efke R100

I have spare rolls of slide film and b&w with me.

08 July 2009

Camera shooting

Yesterday I spent a considerable time taking pictures of some of my older camera equipment. Just for the documentation and fun.

Rolleiflex Automat with Rolleilux exposure meter (1952)

Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta C (1939), rangefinder

"Wagner", Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta B (1939), rangefinder

Pontiac Bloc Metal 45a (1946), french

05 July 2009

Cloudy day

Today we went to the Bergianska garden to spot Rose art, art with roses. Nice but small. Then a walk around the big garden. Nataliya wanted to take pictures. Aroused by the the gentle smells we were inspired to do so. When finally at home she wasn't satisfied and I discovered a mistake. Exposing 400 ISO film at 160. I had a Porta before. Pulling in developing for a minute shorter saved the negs.

Rolleiflex and Tri-X

04 July 2009

Only for the BIG ones

Right in the middle of Stockholm you find Skeppsholmen. A historical island for tall ships. Nowadays also used for big ships but maybe not that tall as the old ones.

af Chapman. Recently restored to former glory. Have served as a youth hostel for decades.

Firm mooring

Due for a clean-up

Nice sailor

Even nicer sailor
All pics with my Rolleiflex and Tri-X

03 July 2009

A photographic exhibition

Yesterday I went to the museum of modern art in Stockholm for a photographic exhibition there. They have a lot of other weird stuff but I cared only for the photos. More than 300 pictures were at display and that seemed to much for me in one bite. 25% of the pictures were nice, the rest just crap to my taste. But maybe I'll return to have a second look and opinion =)

Rolleiflex again on Tri-X

Secret signs

Gothem church is an impressing architecture cast out on the Gotlandish countryside. It seems to have been a rich area when you consider the height of the tower. Other churches have less tall towers.

Sheep are a strong symbol for Gotland where sheep are kept all over the island. So naturally the Lamb of God is a symbol seen in churches for more than one reason. But the secret signs on the stones outside puzzles me. Looks more like gameboards, don't you think?

All pictures shot with my Rolleiflex

01 July 2009

Outdoor curtains

While travelling around at Gotland we found these curtains at a restauarnt by the sea. we couldn't figure out why other than decoration . They fluttered nicely in the wind. As untied sails.

Leica M3, 90 mm, Tri-X