24 December 2013

Pre Christmas

One thing I dislike with Christmas is that it lasts too long. Here in Sweden we have Christmas from mid November until mid January. I would rather celebrate like the french. For a couple of days. Last Sunday I celebrated with my sons and my grandchildren. For the rare occasion when we were all together in the same place at the same time it was practical to make our Christmas apart from traditions. I don't mind. And of course the kids didn't mind to have their gifts in advance. Here are some pictures.

And I shot some family pictures. Even the dog wanted to be in it.

Grandma acted clown for the smiles.

14 December 2013

Still life

I'm not a still life photographer but when the analogue photo club had a meeting just for it  I decided to join anyway and take some shots of my fellow photographers shooting still life. There was a lot of talking and less of photography in my opinion but we had a great time, as we usually have.